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Scream Machines

Official Site of Scream Machines
ScreamMachinesCentral.com - Great Place For Tracks

Scream Machines was developed by Brian Grooms, who also created some of the Roller Coaster Tycoon trainers listed on this site. If you are familiar with Ultra Coaster 3d or even Disney's Coaster (even though that game is extremely out of date) you know what to expect. What is different about this game is the realism and features that it has. Right now Brian has only put out a demo that lets you build B&M Floorless coasters but the cool part about it is that this demo alone lets you do more than UC3d or D's Coaster ever did. The final version is tentatively set to be released before 2002 and that will include many more features and at least 10 other types of coasters to choose from.

So far I have made 4 good coasters and you can find them all down below or also on Screammachinescentral.com under Ryan McCann.

Metal Militia metalmilitia1.bmp (2359350 bytes)
damageinc1.bmp (2359350 bytes) Damage Inc.
Quarry Runner quarryrunner4.bmp (2359350 bytes)
blackout1.bmp (2359350 bytes) Blackout!

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