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Best Of The Best

This section is entirely based upon my opinion. In my opinion every coaster ride or amusement park visit is a treat! Sometimes it is hard to decide exactly which ones I like more, but I'll do my best to rate them right.

My Top 10 Steel Coasters This section includes coasters that run on steel rails. Doesn't matter if they flip you upside down, launch you, or throw you out of your seat, they can all be rated here.
My Top 10 Wooden Coasters From classics to today's new breed, these are my favorite wooden coasters. As long as it runs on a wooden track, it can be located here.
My Top 5 Amusement/Theme Parks This section is home to my favorite parks. It is based on how much fun it is to visit and not how great their rides are.
My Top 5 Coaster Designers
Coming Soon
This section has my top 5 coaster designers. My decision is based on how well I think they design their coasters.
My Top 10 Non-Coaster Rides
Coming Soon
As long as the ride isn't a coaster, its basically eligible here. Dark rides, freefall towers, and simulators are all found in this section.

All material found within this website is
© 2001 Coasterhost.com unless otherwise noted.